Thursday, September 6, 2007

In this world, many of us, would tend to do great things than what other people can imagine. We tend to find instant answers towards our questions but we do not seek the truth behind it. What am I saying?

You know youngsters? Youths, teenagers...and others? I felt that children or youths tends to rebel because they lacked of sercurity, faith, comfort and trust from the loved ones and friends. They felt that the world betrayed them, no one could trust them.

Adults always tend to argue with such small issues towards youths. Even if its accidental, adults find different attempts to find fault at youths. I felt this disturbing, and this could not go unjustified. Children and youths tend to hangout with gangsters and drop-outs because they knew even they are good, they still can't earn the faith of their parents or even teachers.

All students are born good, even the worst kind of all. Children tend to be bad are usually the cause of adults and not the children themselves. Adults keep scolding and does not comfort them for the child actions they had done. Saying those malicious words instead of saying pleasant comments, tends to make the children unhappy. Childrens are not at fault, but adults should take responsibilities on handling their children.

Gangsters are also kind hearted people, they also do felt hurt and pain. They are humans, like us. We should understand their feelings and not look down on them. We should look down on ourselves if we failed to bring them comfort. I know this because I once saw a drop-out helping an old lady. I felt touched, bring a sense of salutation towards that kid and wished to help him.

All children are good, adults also do go through childhood. We should know what is best for their child. Children turn bad because they lack of faith and trust from their parents and therefore, they felt neglected and thus taking the wrong path...

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