Tuesday, May 29, 2007

The World...

Where life form begins...The world of fascination...Nature...But...we did not appreciate what we have here...

A round planet, created for humans to live on. Lushed green fields, azure skies, exotic Islands, spectacular and magnificient view of the nature and mysterious places. This is what we have on earth. Technologies and industries, were built to enhance the needs of human beings. We failed to slow down ourselves, to see the wonderous nature around us, even right beside you...

Yes, the world. Terrorism, War, Fighting, Riots, Argument, disharmony...Why all this...? Can't we live in peace...what do we gain from all this...Bloodspilled...Sorrows...Heart-ache...Why...You might now be celebrating your birthday at your house...But out there...war is happening...bullets are flying across the battlefield...people are crying...loss of homes. Explosions, molotovs...and other sorts of weapons...are starting to rise, to destroy each other as mankind...why must all this happen...can't we just sit down and relax ourselves...? Must we reach until such circumstances where war are being started...why the sacrifices to the country when we know war is wrong...It doesn't determine who is the winner...but who is right...Why must we show them who is right...?

Even if we are right...How many people are being sacrifice for the country...Everywhere...sorrows and pains could be heard...streets, backalley...even homes...Can't we humans ourselves, stop from all this happenings...look around you...there may be poor and rich...we humans ourselves also have jealousy...anger...even if we fight with others...what do we gain back...our dignity...?

Think about the surrondings...does it enlighten you or is it too discomforting...try to close your eyes...think about what is happening...why must all this happen...can we ever resolve this conflict of pain...this war and terrorism...Did we tried to talk over the unhappiness over one views...or did we outcasted them...

Even right now as I continue my opinion...I can't take the sorrows...I'm trying to hold back my tears...especially for the old folks...their tears makes me cry....